Blue Mountain Project Staff
It is the busiest season for Blue Mountain Project as we work with volunteers and communities to improve access to health care, quality education and economic development opportunities in the Hagley Gap area.
In December, a group of medical students and doctors from Northwestern University gave up their Christmas break to come to Hagley Gap where they provided health care to 250 people. Volunteers from Claremont College made much needed repairs to the Hagley Gap clinic, connected a water tank (donated by the Farmer’s Cooperative) to the Penlyne Castle clinic and made signposts for the area.
Another group, this time from Ripon College, worked with the Women’s Group. They were able to successfully market the eco-weave bags crocheted by the Women’s Group to stores in Montego Bay and Ocho Rios. Look for them when you are in the area. You will be pleasantly surprised by the beauty and quality of the work and the designs.
As you can see, we are able to achieve a great deal by putting together qualified volunteers with community members who are eager to learn and to work hard. Visit our website (www.bluemountainproject.org) to learn more.