It’s been said that the French don’t do rock well, but they sure can do reggae. Revolution is the latest […]

CD Review: Dub Nation, Rising Force for Change
2011 What with the presence of 1) a couple of alumni from The Spinners, 2) a whole bunch of […]

CD Review: Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad, In These Times
2012 A promotional blurb refers to In These Times as Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad’s “new psychedelic reggae album.” […]

Juici Patties Hagley Park Road Begins Lunch Delivery
Jamaica often emulates U.S. culture to a certain extent, for better or for worse. Now Juici Patties has joined the […]

CD Review: Midnite, Kings Bell
IGrade Records, 2011 Unforgiving no-nonsense one-drop momentum densely textured brittle tattered breathless mannered chant seemingly featureless landscape of complex literate […]

CD Review: Earl Zero, Marketplace
Foreign Key Records, 2011 Earl Zero has been around the roots reggae scene a long time. That’s perhaps because he […]
Brown Boy Blues
(excerpted from the chapter in Authentic Blackness/”Real” Blackness: Essays on the Meaning of Blackness in Culture and Literature, ed. Martin […]
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