My area of the world, Wisconsin, received seven inches of snow the weekend of November 13-14. We went from an Indian summer with temperatures in the 60s to the low 30s overnight Friday. As I was shoveling out the driveway, I patted myself on the back for the purposeful exercise I was getting but I was also sad to see the end of green until April or May. And I became jealous as I checked the weather report for Jamaica – 80 degrees and sunny.
What an excellent time to prepare to visit Hagley Gap!
Many are doing just that. A medical group from Northwestern University will be giving up their Christmas vacation to provide health care. Groups from several universities will visit the Gap in March. They will be working on the water project and construction projects in the health center and in the surrounding communities. And several individuals are working with Haley, our Service Learning Coordinator, to plan their trips.
I cannot wait to learn who else may chose to give a little of their time and energy to help the deserving people of Hagley Gap and Penlyne while soaking up the warmth of the tropical sun.
For further information please check out
1 comment
Melanie says:
Aug 4, 2012
From Wisconsin to Hagley Gap. From being cold to being hot. But they’re providing health care so that’s good…